What types of payments do you accept?

I accept credit cards and PayPal for payment. All fees are payable at the time service is provided.

How is the coaching provided?

I am able to provide coaching via phone, Skype or FaceTime. I also use a more secured online service called VSee for those who prefer a more secure platform.

Where are you located?

I am fortunate to have the ability to be located on an international basis and am originally from the United States but have lived and worked internationally. I am able to provide online services globally and all services are provided in English.

How long are my sessions?

I offer both 60-minute sessions and 90-minute sessions in order to accommodate what you feel is most appropriate for your needs. I generally recommend that the initial session be a 90-minute session in order to fully assess and develop goals.

How long before I see results with coaching?

Although everyone is unique, some people can experience positive results just after a few sessions. However, depending on your needs and desire, it may take longer. I will collaborate with you to identify the frequency of sessions and the expected value of continued sessions. Many people find that with ongoing practice between coaching sessions they experience results quicker.

How will I know coaching is working?

Coaching becomes successful when your life improves in ways that you desire. It is important to remember that coaching is a collaborative effort to achieve lasting changes in your daily life.

What is the first step?

The first step is often the hardest and I understand how important it is to find the best coach to meet your needs. I offer a free 25-minute consultation in order to answer any questions you may have about my services. Just [click here] for my contact information.

Is coaching covered by insurance?

No. However, the reasonable cost of coaching is an investment in your future and many clients have appreciated the privacy that comes with fee for service arrangements.

Do you do therapy in coaching?

Coaching is not therapy but there are components that are similar to both services. At times, unresolved past issues may be significant enough to prevent the change we want. Because I am also a therapist, I am trained to identify if a more therapeutic approach is required. I will always discuss with you first about why an outside referral may be needed and whether you would want to work with a therapist.